In "Shade with Wireframe", add support for screen-space lines

Hello… Very excited that 1.1 now supports .obj with .mtl files for texture!

But regarding the Shade with Wireframe node… it seems like the wireframe’s widths are very irregular. Can anyone advise if there is a setting I’m missing, or is the width determined by the density of vertices in a specific area?

I’ve attached a patch to Display Scene (as well as Save Image)… and a .png of the rendered image, showing irregular line widths.

You’ll have to change the model/path


@tivonrice: For the Shade with Wireframe node, yes, the line width is a percentage of the size of each triangle.

This is helpful in some scenarios — check out the Bounce Stereo Sphere example composition; the variable width helps the sphere feel more like a real object (or, at least, more like a real blueprint of a real object). The shader is based on the Single-pass wireframe rendering SIGGRAPH article.

But for scenarios like the screenshot you attached, having the ability to draw wireframes with constant screen-space line width would be handy. I’ve converted your post to a feature request, and opened it for voting.

Cool… Thanks for the info. This example also makes me wonder if there could be an antialiasing option in the ‘Save Image’ node? I suppose that’s another topic altogether ;)

Some of Vuo’s shaders already implement antialiasing (e.g., the default checkerboard shader, Make Oval Layer, Make Rounded Rectangle Layer), but Shade with Wireframe doesn’t yet. We’ve got an internal feature request to add antialiasing to Shade with Wireframe, and another internal feature request to add spatial supersampling support to the Render Scene to Image node. I think we should be able to fit at least one of those into the upcoming Vuo 1.2 release.

I think lines and point rendering would both benefit from “no attenuation” type rendering options - but just as an option, not changing it to that altogether.

Point would also benefit from an alias option to make round points.

@George_Toledo: yes, this would be an additional option, allowing you to continue using the current behavior.

You can already make round points by applying a circular image (e.g., Make Radial Gradient ImageShade with Image) to the points.

@George_Toledo @Smokris

“You can already make round points by applying a circular image (e.g., Make Radial Gradient Image → Shade with Image) to the points”

Ok ! I already wondered how to make round points too and didn’t think about your answer’s option !

But I was wondering … When using a different background color, would it be possible to use a gradient with alpha on some color ? For example to make it look like a star ?

I tried this without luck. I must be wrong with the blending somewhere ?!?

Screenshot + Compo attached (the black color of the gradient is set to zero alpha and object blendings are set to normal alpha)


Blend Shader on Points.vuo (5.23 KB)

@bodysoulspirit — Try this: Change the order of the objects being passed in to Render Scene to Window, and change the Z coordinate of the pink background layer so it’s slightly behind the white dot. Then it blends nicely. I’ve attached a revised composition and screenshot.

Blend Shader on Points.vuo (5.23 KB)


This Smokris guy is awesome :)

Sorry for the request owner, this make "a round point " thing should rather have been a separate discussion.

In the meanwhile, as kind of a workaround, you can use @smokris his Reinterpret 3D Object custom node to get a closer feeling (see custom nodes gallery Node Gallery).

Note though that there is no Third Edges, no different color for foreground and background lines and that the lines are unclosed at their joints.

Another somehow similar workaround is to use Karl Henkel’s Get Mesh Values and push that to a Make Line Mesh node.


Reinterpret 3D Object : Lines.vuo (5.43 KB)

Released in 1.2.6.