Insert Share node

Here’s a useful feature I miss from Quartz Composer (I think it was there).

Right-Click on an (output) port, and choose Insert Share. This would insert a Share node in the flow on this current port. Can save a lot of work when you’re rewiring stuff.

I used that feature in QC (and the Kineme UI extensions for “split” and “publish” on ports) so much.

I think this has been discussed in the past, and majority opinion seemed to be Vuo has less call for it than QC, but I think it would be a valuable addition. For input ports and output ports, and one to add for all the in or out ports like the Kineme extension offered. Great for when you have to send same data to multiple copies of a node, and as OP says, when refactoring our code.  

You can right click and add a “Share Value” node in the editor background.


You can right click and add a “Share Value” node in the editor background.

True, but you still have to rewire if that port already has outputs.

There is a general request already, not only for Share Value : Insert node between other node

Oh that kind of insert! It’s been a few years since I opened QC now, sorry!


We are merging this feature request into “Insert node with context menu option on ports.” Some of these previous feature requests might already address some of your ideas. Thanks for wanting to make Vuo better!