Is it possible to use command line arguments for compiled composition?

If I export my composition to Mac App, I can run it from terminal or run it by clicking app -icon on osx GUI.

Is it possible to run .app with some arguments and get argument value to my vuo composition?

For example if I want to make an app that opens an image and do some tricks for it, I will need a way to tell file name of the image to my app. Logical and normal way would be to open app from terminal with image name as an argument like “open test.jpg”. Other way woud be to use osx GUI and right click test.jpg on Finder and select MyVuoApp from “Open with” dialog.

So how I can read argument value(s) in Vuo composition?

I will need a way to tell file name of the image to my app.

You could do this with a Receive File Drags node. The user would launch the app and then drop the image file onto it.

Is it possible to run .app with some arguments and get argument value to my vuo composition?

Not currently, but that would make a good feature request if you’d like to create one.