Is there a way to replay same movie (not loop) with keyboard inputs?

Is there a way to replay same movie (not loop) with keyboard inputs?
I am trying to create a makey makey triggered video kiosk for a client. Is there a way to use the keyboard input events to replay the same movie once it is finished playing. It cannot be a loop for there will be ten separate very short motion graphics that will be triggered upon interaction. The example image I attached is a quick setup of just two, 2-second videos being triggered with the keyboard.

Any way to have the video start over upon each new input?

@DaveRazor: Yes; connect each pressed port its movie’s setTime port. Then each keypress will seek back to the beginning of the movie. I’ve attached a simple example — pressing any key restarts the movie if it’s already playing, or plays it again from the beginning if it’s already finished playing.

movie-restart.vuo (1.54 KB)

@smokris Most fantastic! Thank you for that.