Knob for Faster Expressive Results

I’d have a preference that for a subset of published input ports that represent some of the simple native types could be arranged in a window in horizontal or vertical fashion as a kind of minimum feature set for exported apps.

Those types would be

  • bool
  • int
  • real
  • text
  • color
  • is gradient a native type? if not make it a Vuo type
  • enumerated list, not a Vuo type I don’t think would need making (think indexed list in QC)

A user choice of horizontal or vertical arrangement would be the easiest to implement but it’s conceivable more advanced arrangements as discussed above would be possible.

I’m just focusing on exported apps at this point, because some of the good ideas expressed in the last couple of days are for the interface of the Vuo app itself, and there’s overlap with exported apps UI and developer space UI but also differences to the Vuo Editor and how it may offer enhanced for UI design which might be unique to the Vuo and not easily translate to the current automatic app build routine of Vuo.

I think as a minimum for UI in Vuo Editor and development process, the same published input port UI window that gets used for the exported app could be present as real time controls for the Editor though? A lot of coding overlap with the exported app.

I prefer my published ports in one place, but I’m not speaking against any of the ideas to have them in on the editor canvas itself, it could be awesome to have that too. I’m just looking at what might be more easily achieved (I suspect) as a ‘Minimum Viable Product’ UI for exported app developers. And for the Editor UI as an after thought (and what QC had built into the Viewer Window and root level Published Ports viewer pallet from day 1 IIRC).  

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