Knob for Faster Expressive Results

Taking in this discussion, I would like to inquire about this set of hypotheticals, to the VUO team. My main intent is to basically outline what I perceive to possibly be an easy and visually straightforward path.

What would be the level of difficulty of taking the sideways slider element, and having it actually be a node that always renders on the editor canvas, with the appearance basically being just like the slider part that pops up in Jean’s video? 0-1 normalized output implicit, and would create a fire event, just as the Fire When Value Edited node currently does.

What would be the level of difficulty of making it vertical?

What would be the level of difficulty of a knob?

Most importantly, would that even appeal to the VUO team as an idea to implement at all, or is there some aesthetic or functional objection?

I feel I should really restate - though I have voiced some concern about GUI widget type functionality being embedded in a stock node type look, if that prevails as seeming like the wisest choice to everyone, or somehow is the easiest to implement, I don’t have strong objections. Anything is probably more useful than nothing.

And to look from another perspective entirely…maybe there ARE parts of that approach of building GUI “into” the face of a typical appearance VUO node object that could aid in an overall system, allowing there to be the existence of some kind of input port that could be published, and then later bind to programmatic GUI on an app level, Interface Builder GUI objects, or whatever. Yet that gets into a level of overarching complexity that may not be worth biting off to start with.