Knob for Faster Expressive Results

In the spirit of Vuo right now I think it’s great, I will use this a lot! Thank you!! I appreciate seeing how it was made as well.

Alastair 's point is important, because his point revolves around output (to Mac App, etc.). (Where input is successfully covered for host app/external control).

I guess the next level up would be a larger task, though. For example, I can imagine a subcomposition with n knobs (or sliders), with the knobs (and ports) published and visible in the subcomp UI (thus in the Vuo editor), which could then be published/available as one (or part of a) UI for export to Mac app, etc. Knob position → subcomp UI would need to be addressed – dragging knobs around in some “edit UI” mode would of course be awesome, or just knob xy pos from the right click menu like for published ports. “Skinning” (or just coloring) the knobs for export would also be in play.

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