Make Noise Image node: half-tile option?

Would it be possible to have the tiling option the Make Noise Image node to operate on only one axis, either X or Y?

Or, what percentage of the image, on each side, is used to render the tiling?

All of the image is used.

Yep, it would be possible to tile along only one axis. Feel free to create a feature request.

Thanks. I’m under the impression that half-tiling would make the tile more distinctive.

I don’t think it will be a popular FR, but I’ll add it.

The tiling is currently done using a method specific to Perlin noise, as opposed to an algorithm that operates more generically on images (if I understand what you mean by half tiling).

Sorry for “half-tiling”: tiling on one axis.

In any case, if tiling is needed only on one axis, it should save some CPU cycles to operate only in one axis, no?

The tiling is currently done using a method specific to Perlin noise

Oops, for the record, that’s actually not true. We’re using that method for all types of noise, not just Perlin, and a similar method for Make Tileable Image.