make server description not limiting syphon patch

Steps causing the bug to occur

  1. run the patch

How did the result differ from what you expected?

As shown in video , Syphon client patch has no server description input. I waited it to have - in a simpler flow, with just these patches, it works.

When did you first notice this bug?


Have you found a workaround?


Other notes

  • Vuo version: 0.5.6
  • macOS version: OS X 10.8

FacePaint 2.vuo (15.4 KB)

Screen Shot 2014-02-11 at 4.25.54 PM.png

Thanks for the report, @cremashi. I was able to recreate it. Submitting for work.

Hey @cremashi,

After looking more closely, we think we may have discovered an infinite feedback loop in your composition. Please try moving the cable from the done port, to the heldValue port as depicted in the screenshot above. You helped us discover some incorrect information in our Manual. An event will always fire our of the done port when a node executes — even if an event wall is involved. An event wall prevents events from traveling to all output ports — except done ports. Please give this a go and let us know if it works!

disconnecting the cable made the composition work. Probably I need to practice more with vuo to understand fully its behaviour. Anyway, I think that a programming error like generating a infinite feedback like this, shouldn’t generate a similar behaviour - a node in another part of the patch to behave inconsistently. A Syphon node not receiving a server description in a correct way make one think to a bug, or at least to a programming error in the part of the patch around that node. Becomes quite “vodoo” have to check everything eveywhere in the patch.
A possibility would be the editor to warn whenever one creates an infinite feedback - by showing an alert window, and by colouring the wrong part of the patch.
If you agree, please update the bug status to a feature request.
Thanks for you support anyway.

A possibility would be the editor to warn whenever one creates an infinite feedback - by showing an alert window, and by colouring the wrong part of the patch.

Yes, we’re planning something similar for Vuo 0.5.8.

Hey @cremashi,

Thanks again for this report — We revised our manual to better describe how events work in Vuo.