Multiple Fullscreen Windows Bugs

Steps causing the bug to occur

Saw there already had been some bugs resolved in the past On Mac OS 10.7 and 10.8, multiple windows cannot go fullscreen.


  • Create a composition with 2 windows with some text rendering on them.
  • Make one window go fullscreen on start.
  • Launch.
  • Composition goes fullscreen, no text appears (most often).
  • Try to use OSX Mission control (with the trackpad f.e.) to try to switch to the non fullscreen window.
  • The other window is hidden. Seems like the windows render as one only, or as if one is hidden.
  • When in mission control, the text appears on the composition window preview, but disappears again when choosing that window.
  • Unable to go fullscreen out, rather with cmd-f nor with OS X.
  • Can escape with esc.


  • Set both compositions to go fullscreen on launch.
  • Happens pretty much the same.
  • Except the fact that when in mission control, no window appears at all.
  • Able to quit fullscreen with esc.

Somehow, the OSX fullscreen seems to react better with vuo then cmd-f as also reported here Different behavior between cmd-f and the built OSX fullscreen function.

Have you found a workaround?


Other notes

  • Vuo version: 1.2.1
  • macOS version: OS X 10.11
  • How severely does this bug affect you? Not much; I’m just letting you know about it.

One Fullscreen.vuo (3.25 KB)

Both Fullscreen.vuo (3.3 KB)

We were able to reproduce item A, the “One Fullscreen” composition. Will investigate.

Item B, the “Both Fullscreen” composition, isn’t really a supported configuration. It doesn’t make sense to have 2 windows fullscreen on the same screen.

Item B, the “Both Fullscreen” composition, isn’t really a supported configuration. It doesn’t make sense to have 2 windows fullscreen on the same screen.

I use many apps fullscreen at the same time. Like spotify, Safari, Vuo Editor and switch between them with a 3 finger swipe on the trackpad or using Mission Control.

I can imagine exported apps made with Vuo could make use of this, but I also understand this ain’t top priority. Perhaps more as a feature request then ?

Oops, you’re right, if the windows are from separate apps, then they can be fullscreen at the same time.

My understanding, though, is that OS X’s fullscreen system doesn’t allow multiple windows from the same app fullscreen on the same screen simultaneously.

My understanding, though, is that OS X’s fullscreen system doesn’t allow multiple windows from the same app fullscreen on the same screen simultaneously.

In 10.11 you can go fullscreen simultaneously for several windows of the same app with pretty much all OSX apps : Finder windows, Safari Windows, Text Edit, iTunes playlists, iMessage Conversations and other apps like Sketch (Bohemian Coding) windows …

But maybe you are still right and there is a difference between those windows and the requested here.

The multiple fullscreen could really be a FR rather then a bug report if finally doable !

(See screencast below).

Correction: My understanding is that OS X’s fullscreen system doesn’t allow you to programmatically make multiple windows fullscreen from the same app on the same screen simultaneously. (You can manually by clicking on them, but a Vuo node couldn’t do it.)

Correction: My understanding is that OS X’s fullscreen system doesn’t allow you to programmatically make multiple windows fullscreen from the same app on the same screen simultaneously. (You can manually by clicking on them, but a Vuo node couldn’t do it.)

Ok. Yes I don’t know any app that launches 2 windows fullscreen automatically.
The only thing I know, is that if I have 1 Safari Window open in Fullscreen for example, and click cmd-n, it makes a new screen that goes fullscreen automatically.
So you mean in theory (I’m not pretending there should), there could not be a node that would trigger the OSX fullscreen mode ?
Usually in OSX apps, the enter / exit fullscreen mode has the ctr+cmd+f shortcut, so this could be triggered with a keyboard key node if that was enabled in Vuo apps.

The composition joined below is somehow the same as the one uploaded before expect for the fact that it doesn’t launch any window on fullscreen on start.
I can really well manually use the green button to set them both to fullscreen, it works fluently.
I can switch the windows, their aspect is good, I can go to other apps etc …

But if I manually set any of these fullscreen using cmd-f (the vuo fullscreen), things go wrong, you can’t switch windows, you can’t use mission control to move to another app, the Vuo fullscreen window stays on top, and the second window disappears / merges.

So this bug actually doesn’t really annoy me because I use the OSX fullscreen function more then cmd-f which is correctly handled. But if one user would hit cmd-f for composition or apps that has multiple windows, they will encounter that bug mentioned.

2windows.vuo (2.61 KB)

The only thing I know, is that if I have 1 Safari Window open in Fullscreen for example, and click cmd-n, it makes a new screen that goes fullscreen automatically.

Aha. Another correction: OS X’s fullscreen system doesn’t allow you to programmatically make multiple windows fullscreen from the same app on the same screen simultaneously if the commands to make them fullscreen are issued nearly at the same time. As we found from experimenting, if you make a first window fullscreen, and wait until its fullscreen animation has completed (~1 second), you can then make a second window fullscreen.

Fixed in Vuo 1.2.4.