Must type Get Image URL?

Currently is the only way to load an image to manually type the address of the file?

Will it be possible to drag images/movies onto the editor or to have a standard OS file dialog popup?

The point of visual programming/QC for me is the speed to which I can build it, using standard OS functions like drag/drop dialog box etc.

I am excited though to use Vuo and see it develop, thank you to those who are building it.


Currently (as of Vuo 0.5.3), yes, you must either type or paste the URL/filename.

In early 2014, we’re planning to support dragging files onto the canvas, which will automatically create the appropriate node (if you drop it on a blank area of the canvas), or fill in the filename (if you drag it on to a port). I just updated the roadmap to reflect this.

Good idea about providing a file browser dialog — I’ll see if we can add that in, too.

Thanks for quick response :)
the file browser would be most useful, either earlier or when the drag drop is added. but i understand the Vuo team will have many requests and priorities to deal with.

in QC there is 2 patches, one like Get Image uses a typed URL and the other patch allows to import/embed an image directly through dragdrop or file dialog box.
both types are useful for different purposes, either a live link via URL or a more permanent image embedded directly into the composition file.

I look forward to the development and supporting it through the community forum.

thanks again :)

@richardbyers said:

in QC there is 2 patches, one like Get Image uses a typed URL and the other patch allows to import/embed an image directly through dragdrop or file dialog box.

In Vuo, we plan to handle this as a feature of the Vuo Editor, instead of providing different nodes like QC does.

You’ll keep using the Get Image (and Get Scene and Play Movie) nodes as usual. When you add or change the filename referenced by one of those nodes, then save, you’ll get to choose whether to automatically bundle that file along with your composition, and be able to toggle that behavior by right-clicking on the port.

We’re currently planning to add this as part of Vuo 0.6.0.

In Vuo 0.9, we added the ability to drag files onto the canvas to create new nodes, and the ability to drag files onto text ports to fill in paths.

We’re still planning to add a file browser dialog in the future.