New and improved nodes in Vuo 2.0

The UI and HTML features seem cool for building more interactive patches, looking forward to the beta!


HTML page link looks good, there was a plugin for QC (not the Kineme server/client plugin) that created a web socket which allowed pretty effortless UI construction in a browser window, I loved it, sliders you can set the range of and sliders and menu items that are dynamic i.e. can be changed with code, depending on the context/state of code.

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So looking forward to this release! Looks like you’ve done some amazing work Vuo team! I truly appreciate how responsive and transparent you are with the Vuo community.

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before we know it July will be gone, is there a beta in sight ? : ) Please take my nagging as good natured, I know how it is to work on a big ambitious project… Hope everybody is well and having a good Summer (for those in the northern hemisphere)

We are closing in on the beta release date. We are finishing up on pre-beta cases and testing. Our revised estimate, though, is 4 to 6 weeks, or sometime in August. Thanks for asking! And yes, despite the heat, it’s a good summer!  

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