Optionally snap to grid in composition canvas

To help lay out nodes more neatly, provide the option to snap to a grid drawn on the composition canvas.

  • Render horizontal and vertical major grid lines on the canvas.
    • major grid lines about 2 cm apart at default zoom level
  • Add a menu item to enable/disable snapping to minor grid lines when placing nodes on the canvas.
    • minor grid lines about 1/2 cm apart at default zoom level (vertical distance between ports on a node)
    • only affects nodes placed after enabling snap-to-grid; does not rearrange existing composition
  • Add a menu item to enable/disable rendering horizontal and vertical major grid lines on the canvas.

This request was estimated at 12 credits, but Team Vuo has pledged six up front.

Personally feel this should be secondary to the more pressing issues of sub compositions … as a means of helping to layout nodes.

Work in progress.

In Vuo 1.1, we added the ability to snap to grid, and the ability to show grid lines.