Origami studio

Just read about the new origami studio from Facebook:

Origami studio will be a self contained app, so looks like Facebook are phasing out their involvement with QC!

Unfortunately (or fortunately) they have chosen to lock node design (at least that is what we know now) and it looks very heavily geared towards device GUI development - rather than generic views and tools for visuals (as QC was).

Take away message: Facebook moving away from QC.

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QC started to fall apart a long time ago now, so itā€™s not surprising. I guess they got tired of fixing the issues for another company and rather wanted to focus on something that they and their customers could use and develop more easily, specifically geared towards their main interest. Itā€™s sad though, QC has been a great gateway drug.


Yeah partly QC code maintenance issues but also they just want to customise the Editor UI to be specifically geared to UI design, its an understandable position but bad news for QC fans, that was keeping QC alive with a huge upswell in user base I think.

Scant details yet but looks like it will stick to their pixel unit workflow, which I tend to avoid unless I have to in QC so as to keep compositions resolution independent as much as possible. I asked if stock QC patches will be included not just the Origami ones and havenā€™t heard back yet. Early days.

not sure Iā€™d go with the drug analogy but yes, correct, and I just discovered Form by Relative Wave that builds prototyped apps that can be shared with other iOS users via the host app. Now that Google has acquired Form, I expect to see an Android host app as the first advancement and perhaps even compile to native app, seeing as thereā€™s no review process for Android apps, why the heck not. That, after all, is what anyone doing Visual Coding for long enough has dreamed about: could it be possible at some point to do the whole app development in a visual environment, perhaps adding custom nodes and a scripting patch to fulfil certain tough asks that require lots of code abstraction.

@useful_design I think this is where apple Swift is going actually. However once vuo gets native code loading (supplying nodes as c source) then it will enable super fast node development, and a hybrid workflow you discuss.

@jstrecker just a though. When native c source becomes integrated into Vuo, will the supplied ā€œVuoā€ nodes be built or source? If they are source then it would allow us to open up the node and make custom versions if we need! Super cool! (Obviously we can do this already- but it entails going into source code, finding node, copying, editing, and exporting.)

Donā€™t know if youā€™ve used Origami much yet @alexmitchellmus but they have added a truck load of UX/UI polish with each major release. One of the nice things is that when the cursor is over a Virtual Patch loaded from the ~/ā€¦/Patches folder (round corners) it converts to a Macro and you can drill down. If you take a look inside their Scroll patch thereā€™s a lot of heavy duty coding making it tick inside. Clicking ā€œ.ā€ key again with cursor over patch will convert it back to the Virtual Patch (and remove any edits you made to the macro). So it allows the kind of thing you describe if one wants to learn or tweek code (still in patches not C of course).

Some other things I love about Origami are Hot Keys for adding the most commonly used patches (see docs), hotkey ā€˜Sā€™ for adding splitters while cursor is hovered over a port, hotkey ā€˜Pā€™ for Publish/Unpublish ports which makes up for the lost functionality of KinemeCore Publish All command that got wrecked when escape key sequence was removed by Apple. Automatic rewiring of patches when deleting a patch between two other patches. And much more I forget ATM!

@alexmitchellmus, I think weā€™d continue to supply built versions of Vuo nodes. You know how the first time you open a Vuo version, it takes a while? Thatā€™s because itā€™s building up a cache from the nodes to reduce wait time when you run a composition. If we only supplied the nodesā€™ source, cache building would take a lot longer. But it could be convenient to have the node source code bundled with the Vuo Editor (instead of having to locate it in the separate source code download) and be able to create a custom node using a built-in nodeā€™s source as the starting point. If that interests you, please make a feature request.

Hey Jaymie, that sounds like a super feature request! Can you let me know what you would like it titled? include source code nodes in editor?

ā€œInclude source code of nodes in editorā€ sounds fine.