OSC parames shuffled

Steps causing the bug to occur

  1. open the patch
  2. send a OSC with 7 parameters to port 57111
  3. receive OSC with a server listening at 57112
  4. It should receive the same osc, instead parameters are shuffled

Have you found a workaround?


Other notes

  • Vuo version: 1.2.5
  • macOS version: OS X 10.10
  • How severely does this bug affect you? It’s annoying but I can work around it.

console||QLab->QC Voting System.vuo (8 KB)

Schermata 2017-10-13 alle 12.00.49.png

I uploaded a screenshot. The last line of the upper window is from Vuo, showing that apparently it sent the OSC with params in the same order as received. The yellow tooltip on the QC patch shows the params received in shuffled order.

Looks like the problem (and solution) are actually on the Quartz Composer side.

In QC, there are two ways to look up an item in a structure: by index or by key. When the qcOSC patch turns the received OSC data into a QC structure, it correctly sets the keys (the numbers in quotation marks) but shuffles the order of the indices (the numbers you’re looking at). So the tooltip looks wrong, but if you use Structure Key Member instead of Structure Index Member to look up the items, you should get the correct result.