Reflow text layer to fit display

How would you go about reflowing a text input to automatically reflow to a 2nd or 3rd line if the text string was too long to fit across a given width. I’ve found count characters node but I’m not sure if there is a way to use that and have it break to a new line somehow.

I have a Text Output feeding into a Make Text Image node and would like to display the text with a Make Image Layer with Shadow (Scaled) for displaying on a screen however if the text is too long it is very tiny to read, I would like to have it break to a new line somehow.

Hey @cwilms-loyalist if I’m right you’re talking about the feature request Provide option to automatically wrap text images/layers

In the meantime you could be interested into Jaymie’s great workaround (quite a lot of nodes though for a simple text break) can’t wait for that feature too !

Her workaround : Noob question how to process an unknown string to break it up nicely

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That looks like what I am talking about. Thanks @Bodysoulspirit I will look into Jaymie’s work around, right now I’m will to try anything! After the developments team’s amazing fix for the AMD issue the released today this is one of the last ducks I need to line up. Thanks for finding this. :)


@cwilms-loyalist yes this feature and your feature request for layer texts to be optionally resizable like the other layers would be really great.

Somtimes I wonder how much it would cost to hire the team for such a 1-dot feature like the wrap text feature.
Perhaps in some feature it could be great to have an option to know the funding price of a feature request and have the possibility to hire the team together and crowd fund some urgent features.
Not talking about month long stuff that would push away the Vuo releases but some things like this that would take up to some days of work.

The team made a poll some days ago, perhaps a crowd fund hire the team option could be a thing too.