Remember custom rendering dimensions in Vuo movie export dialogue

When exporting movies with custom dimensions you need to continually re-enter the dimensions, if you change them. Can we have it so that either we can update the list of dimensions in some setting panel (or plist) or even within the list itself. I notice that each item is set out like: foo x bar (info about foobar). Maybe Vuo can save any custom items that a user as entered a bracket next to: “(info about foobar)” and if the bracket is deleted the value isn’t stored? That would make it easy to change values and also to enter in custom values- and reuse easily- with minimal coding etc.

I’ve opened this feature request for community voting.

When entering 4k dimensions in render movie Vuo names it correctly: (UHD) but it is not a default resolution choice (it’s not in the list). Be great to get these larger resolutions in the list to select from for ease of usage.

Added DCI 2K, DCI 4K, UHD 4K, and UHD 8K to the list in Vuo 1.2.2.