Retrieve compostionName from a VuoImageFilter object

  • How could I retrieve the compositionName property from a VuoImageFilter object in Cocoa ? ( It seems to return an empty string , but the compositionDescription property returns the expected string ) .

  • How could I edit the composition information ? ( I can access it from the Edit menu , but it doesn’t to be editable ) .

Hey @pascal_2vp!

Don’t know about the cocoa stuff- but to edit composition information (in the .vuo file) simply open the .vuo file in any text editor and edit the description field.

The compositionName property returns the @brief line in the composition header. But, since compositions currently don’t have a @brief line unless you manually add it, the function generally returns an empty string. (Perhaps it should fall back on the composition’s filename.)

We’re planning to change Edit > Composition to make the information actually editable, enabling both the composition title and description to be edited. Related feature request: Copyright for exported apps & other features (Versions, About window). For now, as @alexmitchellmus said, the workaround is to edit the composition in a text editor.