Robot Detector

Inspired by a conversation with @Bodysoulspirit.

Have a play, find a robot!

Effect achieved by rendering the same scene twice with different shaders attached, then using a mask to choose parts of wireframe shader to show.

Further Experiments:

  • Change blend modes- see what happens
  • Insert a vuo.scene.noise - set the settings very low and see what happens!
  • Use another 3D model and a different shader
  • Get really interesting and create the mask layer from another scene render (with a shader that has lots of black and white)
  • Attach 3 shaders and blend between them?
  • Have a related model inside, use Mask to show that model instead of same model- model can be of robot parts etc.

Robot (8.57 MB) (20.4 MB)


Great stuff !

Play with the transparency to see inside the model too ;) Eye balls ;)