I recently used Vuo to stream to a RTMP service, notably, Primecast.
All worked fine after I realise:

  • What they call the “Stream name”, is what the Vuo node calls the “Stream Key”.
  • One cannot change stream content specs (resolution, framerate, …) dynamically. (But that is documented)
    The “Quality” setting on the RTMP node is a little opaque.
    The quality doesn’t visibly change between 0.1 and 1, but perhaps that was due to the nature of my imagery.

To my question, is there any support in the near future for streaming to a RTSP server?

Thanks for sharing your notes on getting RTMP streaming to work.

While we’ve previously had requests for playing an RTSP stream — that ability was added in Vuo 2.0.0 — I think you’re the first one to ask about sending RTSP. So, no plans at this point. If you’d like to create a feature request, feel free. Or if you need it by a certain date, there’s the option to commission it.

Fair enough.