Scrolling Text with Motion Blur

Made in response to a text scrolling discussion.

If you are using it in VDMX, we think it’s about as smooth as the QC “Scrolling Text” composition, but neither are very smooth in the preview window. If you select Window > Full-Screen Toggle, the Vuo composition is pretty smooth. To make it look smoother, the composition has some motion blur added, and it accumulates the position via Count instead of using the Time input, so that if macOS causes it to drop a frame, the text won’t jump horizontally.

scrolling_text_motion_blur.vuo (9.69 KB)

Screen Shot 2019-10-10 at 4.04.12 PM.png

Screen Shot 2019-10-10 at 3.33.44 PM.jpg

Screen Shot 2019-10-10 at 3.26.44 PM.jpg


Thanks Jean Marie! It works great, very smooth. However it didn’t have a field for changing the text. I added one (see VDMX attachment and updated Vuo file below) by creating a new Published Port on the Make Text Image object, but had to move the patchcord from Value Changes to the main inlet of Make Text Image. Few questions: (1) the text field doesn’t enlarge when you add more than two lines of text, making it a bit tricky to edit, is it possible to have a scrollbar on the text field, maybe this is a VDMX question? (2) is it possible to turn off the looping so it only scrolls once? (3) When you trigger a second instance there is a brief pause before it switches, is this unavoidable? (4) Is there any way to flag the end of the text in VDMX so you can use that to trigger another instance or perhaps another event? This is great!! Randall


scrolling_text_motion_blur with text.vuo (9.69 KB)

Additional Note: David Lublin posted a solution to adding a scrollable text field on the VDMX Facebook Group page (see attached). However, I don’t know how this solution, which involves connecting the FileInput Port to a Make Text Layer object, can be integrated into your patch. Please let me know if you can add this in. Thanks!! Randall


Like David Lublin’s patch, Scrolling text with motion blur has a port for File Input. The FileInput port is what VDMX uses to input the text data. To use the composition in VDMX, you should place it in the ~/Library/Application Support/VDMX/vuoTextSources folder, then restart VDMX, create a Text Source, and choose it as the Text Source Composition. You may find the VDMX documentation on Vuo, which includes some information on Vuo Text Sources useful:

Is it possible to turn off the looping so it only scrolls once?

You can turn off looping by just changing Count within Range’s Wrap Mode from Wrap to Saturate.

The text field doesn’t enlarge when you add more than two lines of text, making it a bit tricky to edit, is it possible to have a scrollbar on the text field, maybe this is a VDMX question? When you trigger a second instance there is a brief pause before it switches, is this unavoidable? Is there any way to flag the end of the text in VDMX so you can use that to trigger another instance or perhaps another event?

We think these are VDMX questions.  

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Thank you for good material.

As an additional feature, can you scroll through text indefinitely?
I use vdmx mainly.

Like the reference video below

It’s a necessary feature but I don’t know how to do it.


I’m not sure I understand what you are asking. The composition text repeats indefinitely in the composition as posted. In VDMX there is also an option for looping in the text rendering window.