Set Time port in Movie Player node does not do anything if the video is paused.

Steps causing the bug to occur

  1. Create a composition that plays a video file using Add triggers for Play, Pause and Set Time ports.
  2. Hit play. Then send an event to Set Time (time is set to 0). This works
  3. Pause the video
  4. Try sending an event to Set Time
  5. Nothing happens

How did the result differ from what you expected?

I expected the playhead of the video file move to the time in Set Time even when the video is paused.

Have you found a workaround?


Other notes

  • Vuo version: 1.0.1
  • macOS version: OS X 10.10

PlayMovieBug.vuo (2.66 KB)

Thanks for the report, @mnstri.

Currently, when the movie is paused, the Set Time port stores the new playhead time, and the next time the Play port receives an event, it starts decoding at that new playhead time.

If I understand correctly, you’re expecting that, when paused, the Set Time port should immediately decode the frame at the new playhead time, and fire a Decoded Video event? I think that makes sense (and it would be more consistent with the Measure Time node’s behavior).

If I understand correctly, you're expecting that, when paused, the Set Time port should immediately decode the frame at the new playhead time, and fire a Decoded Video event? I think that makes sense (and it would be more consistent with the Measure Time node's behavior).

Yes, that is what I would like to happen. The reason why this is an issue, is that currently I’m building an application where I have multiple videos loaded up, and I want to control which one is playing based on an OSC message coming through. Based on the message, the composition should select which video to display and to start that video from the beginning, and at the same time make sure that all other videos are stopped.

The way the node works now makes it so that the active video will flash the frame it was previously paused at before starting from the beginning.

Fixed in Vuo 1.1.