Show bounding box in port popovers for 3D objects

For debugging purposes, it would be REALLY useful for the information boxes for nodes dealing with objects to have the bounding box of the geometry. If not all object nodes, at least the “Fetch Scene”.

Screen Shot 2023-01-21 at 11.04.43 am.png

I know there is a “Get 3D Object Bounds”, it would be more precise if it included the terms x,y,z for the bounds.

I’ve updated the title and opened this feature request for voting.

I know there is a “Get 3D Object Bounds”, it would be more precise if it included the terms x,y,z for the bounds.

It currently outputs Center, Width, Height, and Depth. If I understand correctly, you’re suggesting additional outputs for the X, Y, and Z ranges (e.g. X range is Center - Width/2 to Center + Width/2).

I was poking around with the same need for layers today and ended up just modifying the layer bounds node. The object bounds node wasn’t much harder to modify, so give this a go if it helps Paul: