Spikey noisey kinect play audio by position

Hello all this is my first share.
I hope you can help me improve upon this composition.
It is sometimes/unexpectedly/itermitently grinding to a halt and I can’t determine what is wrong. (I realise I should probably make some sub comps but not sure which bits yet).

I have included the NImate project file if you have a licence, for those without a license it’s set to: Track Single user, basic skeleton, no hands, Origin= sensor coordinates. The camera is set to adjust for the Kinect positioned on the floor.

I tried export as an app but the audio didn’t play…

spikey noisey kinect play audio by position 2.zip (5.28 MB)


Haha very cool ! ;)

It is sometimes/unexpectedly/itermitently grinding to a halt and I can’t determine what is wrong.

Oddly it looks like NI mate is sending a lot more OSC messages than it says (instead of 30 fps, about 120 fps, which is around 1,200 OSC messages per second). That’s a bit much for Vuo to digest. Adding a Hold List node, as in the attached composition, should help.

Unless I’m missing something, you could skip the Get Mesh Values and Make Mesh with Values, and maybe improve performance a bit.

I tried export as an app but the audio didn’t play…

The problem is that your audio file didn’t get copied into the app. Vuo can automatically copy audio files in some cases, but if it misses your file, you can copy it into the app manually. See the manual section Exporting an application.

spikey noisey kinect play audio by position.vuo (31.2 KB)

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Thanks for the tips and fix @jstrecker finally had time to play with it again today and it’s running well.
I now note the frequency of /NI_mate_sync messages.
It seems quite late in the chain to be limiting the number of messages by my thinking though. It’s already building my list 100-120 times a second isn’t it?

Well, the Hold Value can’t go between Receive OSC Messages and Filter Skeleton, because Filter Skeleton can’t skip any of the messages. (NI mate sends a series of messages for each frame. When Filter Skeleton gets the whole frame, it emits an event.)

The earliest point where you could insert a Hold Value is after Filter Skeleton. The reason I didn’t suggest putting it there is because you’d have to put a whole bunch of Hold Value nodes, one for each output of Filter Skeleton. Anyway, it’s probably just fine to put the Hold Value a bit later in the chain. The math and list stuff just after Filter Skeleton probably isn’t as performance-intensive as the graphics stuff at the bottom.

This looks great!

Any chance you could share these 2 nodes as I can only see them on git hub and don’t know how to compile them.

Node not installed — Make Mesh with Values (co.parabox.mesh.make)
Node not installed — Get Mesh Values (co.parabox.mesh.get)

Thanks a lot!

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I’m glad you like the look of it.
You don’t need to compile them, just download them and put them in the correct folder. ( Please read my comment below and download the fresher version).
Here’s the important bit of text from the Parabox nodes Read Me:
Place the co.parabox.nodes.vuonode & all .vuo files (found in the bin folder) in your User Modules folder: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Vuo/Modules/.  

Now I remembered that I removed those nodes in a later revision after Jaymie pointed out above that they were not being used (I had put them in when playing around trying other things).
Jaymie also added the Hold List which fixed the issues with too many OSC messages being sent from NImate.

So I have now replaced the compostition again with the correctly working version.
Hope you get it running @marioepsley, please do let me know if you are successful. Cheers  

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Thanks for this, haven’t managed to check it out yet as I’m still in the process of hacking the xbox windows cable ;(

Finally getting back around to this, very excited. Just ordered this cable from eBay, hope its the one I need!


T. R. A. C. K. I. N. G.

@Scratchpole I’ve got the cable now :) and the free version of NI_Mate.

Struggling a little to get this comp up and running though and wondering if I’m missing something silly?

Ni-mate is showing me an output from my sensor so I know thats working, I’ve checked the skeleton tracking feature and all my ports are 7000.
Is there anything I’m missing, I’m pretty sure I have all the osc message boxes ticked?
I’m also running macOSX High Sierra with Vuo 1.2.7 if that’ll make a difference.

Have you set NImate to track multiple users?
Did you use the NImate file I included?

Unfortunately I’ve only got the free version of NI-Mate so I couldn’t load your file.
NImate is set to an individual track.
I have managed to get the filter skeleton node working in another comp so I know the signal works.
Whenever I start this particular comp though it crashes after a few seconds. Next time I’m plugged in I’ll try and get a video.

Try setting NImate to track multiple users. (Maybe I changed that after my first post).
If you look at the Filter Skeleton node you can see it is set to track user number 1.

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Wow. This comp look like a ghillie suit. I enjoy the sound mix quality as well. Well done and thanks for sharing.  

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