SVM3 Instaration Vuo cmp

Space VJ Meeting 3

this composition draw a cosmic web to deference point(from snapshot image).

this compositon has 3 windows and 1 syphon output.

parhaps you can use to your instaration without other software, but i recomend combination with mapping software(ex. madmapper).

“Setting” window.
->“Space” key : snapshot.
->“Q” key : quit this app.
->“S” key : stop “Monitor Video”.
->“V” key : change live video device.
->“G” key : appear glid and cropping video to “Syphon Output Monitor”.

if you want to change the detecting deference range, please drag Orange and Parple point.
->“R” key : reset Orange and Parple point.

“Monitor Video” window.

“Syphon Output Monitor” window. (75.1 KB) (12.2 MB)


wow - nice work.
it deserves a big space (wide camera image), and a fast gpu ;-)
i’d be interested to see it being exhibited - and how you used mapping to get your best result…
Greets - Carlitos