UI Node - Skinning for Buttons (Action and Toggle)

To really be able to customize the look of a UI it would be a nice addition to have Image Skinning for each button state, with options for stretch to fit, crop and scale.


  • Pressed
  • UnPressed
  • Toggled
  • Hovered

It would also be cool to allow for even more customized buttons shapes like those in a D-Pad where the buttons are something other than rectangle but I’m not sure what the best implementation for that would be. Maybe by allowing a skins alpha transparency to dictate which parts of the button are press-able?


Switch Skins_1.png



Can you explain how this might be different from Support creating custom themes for UI widgets (buttons, sliders) using Layers?

No, it’s the same thing. I was looking for that previous feature request but wasn’t able to find it, I thought maybe I was wrong and had only imagined it, so I sent it in again.

However would it be possible to add the feature of “allowing a skins alpha transparency to dictate which parts of the button are press-able?” as I think this is an important feature that wasn’t part of the initial FR.

Yes. Please make a comment about adding allowing a skins alpha transparency... to Support creating custom themes for UI widgets (buttons, sliders) using Layers.

We’re marking this as merged.