Unclosed 3D objects shaded with Unlit Images

Steps causing the bug to occur

  1. Shade a 3d object with an Unlit Image (f.e. a sphere).
  2. Drag the camera to rotate the sphere.

How did the result differ from what you expected?

Not sure this is a bug but but :

1 - With normal Unlit Images: When you rotate the sphere you’ll spin until you’ll see the closed space of the sphere is not really closed. There is a gap (see preview). I would have expected not to see the gap, but to have a closed sphere.

2 - When deforming objects with Unlit Images that gap becomes even more obvious. However I guess this here is no bug until I would use a tillable image (the left side of the image would not deform the same as the right side where the sphere merges). However, perhaps in the future there could be an option on the “deform object with image” to calculate a fake closure between the deformed sides where the sphere closes. I could make a feature request for that if that would be a possibility.

I did not list all the objects having this. I can remember the sphere and the cylinder I think.

But again, not sure this is a bug.

Have you found a workaround?


Other notes

  • Vuo version: 1.1.1
  • macOS version: OS X 10.10

Unclosed 3D Objects.zip (131 KB)

Normal Images.png

Deformed Preview.png

Thanks for the report, @bodysoulspirit.

In Vuo 1.1.1 and prior, images default to Wrap Mode: None. That’s what causes the gap — the GPU stretches the image to fit onto the sphere and blends neighboring pixels. At the edges of the image, it blends the edge with a pixel just beyond the edge. When Wrap Mode is None, that beyond-the-edge pixel is transparent black, which appears as a gap.

In Vuo 1.1.1, you can work around this by adding a Change Wrap Mode node and setting the Wrap Mode to anything other than None.

In the upcoming Vuo 1.2 release, we’ve changed the default wrap mode to Clamp Edge, which I think is typically what people expect when applying textures to 3D objects.

Thanks for the workaround @Smokris !

Fully abordable tip ! Gonna use it right now ;)

PS : Nothing to do with this but I don’t know if you guys have a log for people activating vuo. I’ve been activating Vuo several times these as I’m working on my friend’s computer and delete Vuo overtime I shut it down. Not that you would think I am giving away copies and logins.


I’ve been activating Vuo several times these as I’m working on my friend’s computer and delete Vuo overtime I shut it down.

By the way, you can deactivate Vuo by running this in Terminal:

defaults delete org.vuo.Editor vuoLicense

Next time you launch Vuo, it’ll be in free trial mode.


In Vuo 1.1.1, you can work around this by adding a Change Wrap Mode node and setting the Wrap Mode to anything other than None.
→ Setting the mode to Mirror works in 1.2 alpha 3 for me and removes the gap, 1.1.1 keeps the gap.

However I don’t mind, as I can fix that with 1.2

Thanks for the terminal tip but I prefer to clean the computer each time I leave her computer.

In Vuo 1.2, we changed the default wrap mode to Clamp Edge, which fixes the gap you were seeing.