Using Parabox Make Mesh with Values

Why does this most basic comp using Make Mesh with Values produce a black screen?

And a really stupid newb question – what precisely is an element in this context?

Make Mesh with Values.vuo (3.66 KB)

To use the Parabox Make Mesh with Values node, you need to understand the basics of meshes. I would recommend spending some time reading or watching videos to understand the background.

To answer your immediate questions: For the node to output a non-empty mesh, it needs at least 3 vertices (Positions and Elements) as inputs. Elements are indices into Positions (0 refers to the 1st item in Positions, 1 refers to the 2nd item in Positions, etc.) that have to do with how the mesh is assembled.

Ok, thanks… and why do I not see a triangle in the viewer for this comp?

Wait, what? I must have mixed up your composition with something else. You have provided 3 vertices. On my computer, your composition does output a triangle. This is on Vuo 1.2.8 with, I believe, the latest version of the Parabox node set installed.

Maybe your GPU handles the oddly specified texture coordinates differently than mine. Does this work for you?

Make Mesh with Values - textures.vuo (3.89 KB)

Meh, I did not have the latest Parabox node set installed. Works now. Thanks for your patience.

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Trying to repurpose this for a square but not sure what to plug into the texture bit. Any ideas how I could make this work?

@marioepsley I know very little about meshes, I should give Jaymie’s link a deep read too, but when you wanna have a basic understanding of a mesh’s structure, you can use the Parabox Get Mesh Values to know more. From the output ports you can see one way of feeding the “Texture” port for a square (see composition 1).

Feeding only the texture list works fine for unlit shaders, but when you wanna shade with lit shaders etc, one should also feed the other ports it seems (see composition 2)


1 - Make Square With Values.vuo (5.23 KB)

2 - Make Square With Values + Textures.vuo (4.19 KB)


Brief explanation of texture coordinates. Other search keywords: texture mapping, UV mapping.

Sorry for the delayed response, this is perfect, I never thought to use the get mesh values. brilliant. Thanks @Bodysoulspirit @jstrecker