Video time delay

  1. Should the Black Magic IP4K video card appear as a device in Black Magic nodes? It seems it should, but I don’t want to report a bug until I understand.

Yes, it should — the vuo.blackmagic documentation lists Intensity as one of the supported product lines.

I’d suggest creating a simple test composition that just contains a List Blackmagic Devices node. When you run the composition, is your IP4K listed in either the Input Devices or Output Devices from the node? If you go to Tools > Show Console, do you see any errors, warnings, or other messages about Blackmagic?

It is a bit surprising that Vuo detects your IP4K as a native video device. Do you by any chance have a DAL driver installed in /Library/CoreMediaIO/Plug-Ins/DAL ? If so, try moving it out of that folder, restarting your computer, and running your composition again.

  1. How does the attached composition need to be edited to provide video delay?

The structure of the composition looks OK based on the composition you got working with non-Blackmagic video. Presumably you’ll want to replace the Receive Live Video with Receive Blackmagic Video once we figure out the problem with your device.