Vuo beach balls upon opening a patch

Steps causing the bug to occur

  1. Attached patch ‘leap_midi_2oct’ was created normally, although at has many nodes. Saved without any errors.
  2. Open the attached patch ‘leap_midi_2oct’
  3. Beach ball

How did the result differ from what you expected?

Should open.

Have you found a workaround?


Other notes

  • Vuo version: 0.5.6
  • macOS version: OS X 10.9

The patch ‘leap-midi-2oct’ is a basically a same patch as ‘leap_to_midi_single_note’ patch as the difference is that this problematic patch has 24 times the elements (2 octaves) of the single one. I’ve attached also the crash report that is generated when I force quit the Vuo after beach balling. (9.88 KB)

Vuo (48.6 KB)

Thanks jokkeheikkila,

I was able to recreate this and am submitting it for work. We’re excited to see what you do with this keyboard!

Hey @jokkeheikkila,

We believe we have fixed this issue and it will be reflected in the next release — coming soon! Please try our your composition then and let us know if you run into further problems.

Happy Creating!