Vuo composition with "Hold value" -node, don't work in VDMX

Steps causing the bug to occur

  1. make simple vuo plugin to VDMX plugin folder.
  2. open VDMX
  3. VDMX says “compiling vuo asset” → everything works nice
  4. add Hold value-node to your plugin
  5. VDMX says “compiling vuo asset” and then “Problem loading composition” → plugin doesn’t work anymore

Have you found a workaround?

  • No.
  • But I’m kind of happy that I found the reason why some of my VDMX-plugins doesn’t work anymore. Every plugin without Hold value-nodes work.
  • Hold value-node doesn’t need to be even connected to anything and it breaks a plugin

Other notes

  • Vuo version: 2.0.0-beta2

  • macOS version: macOS 10.14

  • How severely does this bug affect you? It prevents me from completing a specific task with Vuo.

  • Could this be a problem of VDMX, should I create a bug report for Vidvox?

  • I used the latest VDMX version b0.

This is the same problem as Vuo compositions not loaded in VDMX — please see my answer there.

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