Vuo does not receive live audio from Logitech USB Headset H340

Steps causing the bug to occur

Mac Pro Late 2013

OSX 10.11.2 (stable),
Vuo 1.1.1,
Soundflower 2.0b2,
Linein 2.3.0,
VDMX5 b0.,

Physical audio input devices:
EDIROL FA-66 (0370) (via FireWire800 to Thunderbolt adapter, actively powered),
Logitech USB Headset H340

Open Vuo

Open “Show Live Audio Waveform” example

Change example:

  • Prepend “Get Item from List” to existing “Receive Live Audio” node
  • Prepend “List Audio Devices” to “Get Item from List” node
  • Add “Fire on Start” to “List Audio Devices”

Append “Get audio Input Values : Name” → “Make Text Layer” → “Render Layers to Window” to “Get Item From List” in order to see which audio device is visualised in separate window.

Start firing the sketch and change “Which” parameter for “Get Item from List” (iterate through all input devices).

Note that none of the real audio input devices produces results. Audio devices are listed correctly as the “text on screen” rendering shows, however no waveform is generated.

Waveform (straight line as no imput yet is feeded) is generated only for Soundflower channels.

Open Linein app and redirect any of the physical inputs to Soundflower (2ch) or Soundflower (64ch)

Vuo produces waveform on both Soundflower (2ch) and Soundflower (64ch) channels

Turn off audio redirect in Linein app

Open any other app, that can receive and analyse audio

I am choosing VDMX, just adding Audio Analysis plugin and switching Input Device in inspector.

Note that all inputs work and can be realtime analysed.

Uninstall Soundflower and restart the computer

Open Vuo

Open “Show Live Audio Waveform” example

Start firing the sketch and change “Which” parameter for “Get Item from List” (as described above)

Note that none of the real audio input devices produces results (even with Soundflower removed)

Open VDMX, add Audio Analysis plugin and switch Input Device in inspector.

Note that all inputs work and can be realtime analysed.

How did the result differ from what you expected?

Vuo cannot read audio from physical audio input devices, it is unusable for real time audio driven visuals.

Have you found a workaround?

Receiving sound via Soudflower is not a workaround. Soundflower is invaluable tool, however Vou should read audio from live devices.

Other notes

  • Vuo version: 1.2.0
  • macOS version: OS X 10.11

It is expected that “Show Live Audio Waveform” example works. If OSX needs some specific setup that I have not found in the documentation, pardon for my ignorance (and please point to the hack).

Thanks for your detailed bug report, @warp.

The Edirol FA-66 has a physical switch that sets the sampling rate, right? What is that switch currently set to?

If you change the switch to 48 KHz, is Vuo able to directly receive live input from it?

It was set to 44.1 sample rate. 48 KHz makes no difference in behaviour.
Maybe you missed, but I also tried Logitech USB Headset H340. Simple USB audio input, works everywhere (Skype, FaceTime), not in Vuo.
And I tried also different combinations (connected both Edirol and Logitech, Logitech only, Edirol only).

& if you wonder, then no magic has been done to this Mac trash can previously in terms of audio hacking.

It came with 10.10, was updated to 10.11.

It receives all OSX betas, however it is currently on 10.11.2 stable (public release).

It only has Soundflower installed (I have currently removed it to test this issue so no virtual cards get in the way) .

Nothing extraordinary in terms of other connected devices also (two monitors 1) HDMI 2) active MiniDP->DVI-D)

Edirol on MacBook Pro (Late 2011) is working in Vuo.

The only difference I can think of is that Mac Pro has no internal audio inputs by default (all MacBooks and iMacs have built in microphone and line in), the ones that worked were Soundflower that “manifest” as built in inputs.

Edirol works in Vuo 1.2.0. Heisenbug.

However Logitech USB Headset H340 still “does not compute”.

Edirol works in Vuo 1.2.0. Heisenbug.

That’s weird. I didn’t think we’d changed anything in Vuo 1.2 that would have affected that. Well, OK.

However Logitech USB Headset H340 still “does not compute”.

Do you get any messages in Console when you run the composition?

Hence Heisenbug :)

.. Failed to open the audio device (1) ..

All stack

15.12.15 13:06:29,474 Vuo Editor[2347]: ApplePersistence=NO

15.12.15 13:06:45,000 kernel[0]: CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page(0x10dffe000): p=2356[VuoCompositionLo] final status 0x2000000, allowing (remove VALID) page

15.12.15 13:06:45,452 coreaudiod[187]: SecTaskLoadEntitlements failed error=22

15.12.15 13:06:45,490 ShowLiveAudioWaveform-fUlCQP[2356]:  VuoAudio_make()  Failed to open the audio device (1) :: RtApiCore::probeDeviceOpen: system error (kAudioDeviceUnsupportedFormatError) setting sample rate for device (1)..

15.12.15 13:06:45,507 launchservicesd[87]: SecTaskLoadEntitlements failed error=22

15.12.15 13:06:45,515 launchservicesd[87]: SecTaskLoadEntitlements failed error=22

15.12.15 13:06:45,517 launchservicesd[87]: SecTaskLoadEntitlements failed error=22

15.12.15 13:06:45,520 ShowLiveAudioWaveform-fUlCQP[2356]: ApplePersistence=NO

15.12.15 13:06:45,588 appleeventsd[58]: SecTaskLoadEntitlements failed error=22

15.12.15 13:06:50,534 launchservicesd[87]: SecTaskLoadEntitlements failed error=22

15.12.15 13:06:50,535 launchservicesd[87]: SecTaskLoadEntitlements failed error=22

Edit: ``` code enclosure markdown does not work.

That helps. Thanks!

Edit: ``` code enclosure markdown does not work.

To put multiple lines in code style, you can prefix each line with 4 spaces.