Vuo for Graphic Design

Hi guys, first of all, congrats for the great software. It’s really a piece of art.

I would like to know what is possible to do with vuo for graphic design.

Vuo export any kind of vector image? like svg or pdf? if not , it is planned for the future?

And which is the maximum resolution we can render an image?


Thanks, @Luiz_Andre!

As of Vuo 1.0, there isn’t yet support for vector paths, or SVG or PDF importing/exporting. We’d like to support all of that eventually, probably starting with some functionality similar to Kineme2D. I’ve added it to the roadmap. Consider submitting a feature request, so people can vote on it — which will help us figure out how to prioritize it.

Vuo 1.1, coming in February, will support exporting images and movies (both from Vuo Editor and using nodes).

The maximum image resolution depends on your GPU. You can check it using Apple’s OpenGL Driver Monitor (go to Monitors > Renderer Info, then OpenGL Limits > Textures > MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE). My NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M (in a late-2012 MacBook Pro Retina) supports up to 16384x16384. We plan to eventually support tiled rendering, to allow exporting even higher resolutions.

thanks smokris, I will make a feature request.

Kineme PDF was very useful to me. Prototypers (think QC + Origami + Sketch set-up) will like multipage PDF import it too because you can save a multipage AI file and then update it in Vuo concurrently to iterate artwork as you work in Vuo. Tight loops are good for design work.