Vuo Skin Theme - Vuo Buttons Redesign

Hey guys,

I’m very proud to present the world’s first Vuo skin theme …


Kidding :)

But as I never could remember what zoom button which zoom was I tried to make some myself. Pretty happy about the results.

If anyone wants them too I can email the replacement one’s + the original button backup.

Hope the user End User License Agreement allows this :)

See screenshot below.



Oh, cool. You’re welcomed to hack Vuo like that — just keep in mind that modifying the contents of the Vuo bundle may break OS X’s codesigning, so OS X Gatekeeper may complain when you launch Vuo.

:) Thanks @Smokris ;)

Hope you’ve seen the last screenshot of the edited post, looks cool I think ;)

Haden’t thought about that Gatekeeper thing.
Don’t know if you mean for myself or for exported apps people would try to open ?

Anyway, we’ll see.

Thanks again

Don’t know if you mean for myself or for exported apps people would try to open ?

I just meant that Gatekeeper might warn you about your own modified copy of Vuo Editor. (As of Vuo 1.1, Vuo doesn’t yet codesign exported apps.)