warp image node problem

Steps causing the bug to occur

  1. In the attachment there is a simple composition.
  2. There are also two warp datafiles, good and nogood.
  3. Good works, nogood gives me a black window.
  4. But the only difference between them is the y coordinate is inverted (*-1).

Other notes

  • Vuo version: 1.2.7
  • macOS version: macOS 10.13

Archive.zip (405 KB)

Note that I am not concerned with the rough outline … I know why that is.
The issue is that by simply flipping the mesh vertically means it stops working.

And noting that I am confident the warp mesh files are OK since they function as expected in other software that supports that format.

Inverting the y-coordinate also inverts the triangles’ winding order, so they’re facing backwards. In general, Vuo’s graphics processing discards backward-facing triangles as a performance improvement (backface culling). But it doesn’t really make sense to discard them in the case of Warp Image with Projection Mesh. So we’ll change that.

I figured it might be something like that. Thanks. I can work around it at the moment by flipping UV and the flipping final image.

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Fixed in Vuo 1.2.8.