What is the simplest way to conditionally block events from passing?

Struggling to make a simple timer. I’ve looked at the example compositions for the Measure Time node but I still can’t do a simple reset of timer after 3 seconds. Want something to appear given an event, start counting time, and then hide a layer when a certain time has elapse, all doable, then reset the Measure Time node.

When I try to use a Greater Than node, it fires an event every time the node receives one (and a false value) which is every frame. How can I make a “Block Events if Value is False” construct to place after the GT node?


Have you looked at the Became True node?

No I hadn’t found that one, thanks @jmcc.  

I found that my use of the Measure Time node wasn’t orthodox, I was pausing it once the timer went past the maximum value I was testing for and it had some strange side effects in terms of reseting and starting it. I removed the pause and it started working as desired.