Wildcards in OSC

The OSC spec allows for wildcards like * and ? but these do not seem to work in Vuo e.g

I receive 2 consecutive messages with addresses /reply/cue_id/someSequenceof16Characters/duration and /reply/cue_id/someSequenceof16Characters/elapsed

I want to use filter by address nodes to route these addresses but I don’t know what the someSequenceof16characters are

In OSC I should be able to write the addresses as /reply/cue_id/*/duration and /reply/cue_id/*/elapsed where * represents any characters as per the OSC spec but these don’t seem to be recognised by the node for pattern matching. (For some reason the asterisks appear in the edit window for this post, but not in the post so I’ve attached a screenshot)

Is there something I’m Missing?



We’ve turned your discussion into a feature request. Vuo doesn’t currently have this capability. We’ll add it, most likely in Vuo 2.1.

In Vuo 2.1.0, we made OSC Filter by Address support wildcard matching.