XBox One's new Kinect 2.0

Anyone have any info about 3rd party development for the new Kinect 2.0? Is it now or will it in the future be an open platform?

I haven’t dug too far into it, but this is interesting:

I’m guessing the development path for it in Vuo doesn’t even exist yet, but I figured it would be worth asking anyway.

I am also very interested to know this exact thing.

The makers of libfreenect (which Vuo uses for Kinect v1 support) have started on a Kinect v2 SDK but, in their words, “This project doesn’t do much yet”.

We’re eager to support Kinect v2 in Vuo, as soon as there’s a viable SDK for it.  

I’m also looking forward to any news regarding the Kinect 2 with Vuo. As it currently stands any support for Kinect 2 under OSX will likely only be 3rd Party or Open Source as the Dev Program Kit will only initially be available to Windows users. They have 500 spots open for anyone willing to pay the $399 Program Signup fee.

I’m also wondering how much the Kinect 2 Dev Kit will ultimately sell for after the initial developer preview program has ended.  

Yesterday one of the libfreenect2 developers posted this: “I managed to decode the IR data into depth and ir images.” They still have a lot more work to do before there are stable drivers, but it’s great to see some material progress.