creating multiple "stages" in one composition

im a beginner seeking advice on making multiple stages in one patch: lets say I have one “stage” where I draw some text, then push a action button and then I switch to another “stage”

how would you go about doing that?


welcome to Vuo.

In Vuo terminology, what you call “patch” is a composition; not sure what you mean by “stage”, but I suppose it could be a Layer.

This is an example of a way (not the only one) you could switch from one layer to the other.


toggle layers.vuo (3.95 KB)

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I come from a background with isadora, so thats why i wrote stage
lets say i had a row of nodes that generates some visuals, and another row doing the same, and then wanted to switch between them as if it was another composition

not sure if this helps… Still learning and trying to figure out the software :)

Satoshi has built a vuo “Mixer”. And was kind enough to share it. You can probably take a look at the technique used in this composition:

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We’re glad @krezrock and @cremaschi provided some guidance. We’re not exactly sure what a stage is in Isadora, but here are some additional discussions and compositions you might find helpful:

I used Isadora for an interactivity class while at university. I had some fun with the particle nodes or actors I think they are called in Isadora. I don’t remember using stages so that must be something newer to Isadora. Looking at the Isadora quick start stages set up guide a stage would possibly be considered a window in Vuo. It seems to be a way to send video to multiple displays each stage being assigned a number for the display they project too. They also have virtual stage where an off screen render is made when no display is required.

I would suggest adding multiple windows to a Vuo document to simulate different stages each with a window for a specific display doing something different, possibly using a shared value node to share some type of data between the windows.

If you search window in the node library the top three results are your window types. *Render Layers to Window, Render Scene To Window, and Render Image To Window. * depending on the data type you are trying to render would depend on what type of window to use. Again using multiple windows creates multiple stages to use for multiple displays. you could say use one window to show display controls like sliders and buttons and use the second window to render your effect to an external monitor.  

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Yeah, asking about Isadora “stages” suggests you are asking about setting up for output to hardware. In Isadora that would mean one stage per projector/monitor/hardware device. Isadora was originally made for making video for performance, namely dance (thus named after Isadora Duncan). The software conspicuously uses terms like “actor” and “stage” where Vuo would use “node” (or subcomposition) and “window” or the “Send” nodes for sending to specific hardware (or Syphon, OSC, MIDI, etc.).

While certainly possible to make a start-to-finish project in Vuo, Isadora and others on the list of VJ apps compatible with Vuo are designed specifically for organizing/presenting content for showtime, hardware configs, etc. In this context you might consider Vuo as a tool for content creation and Isadora, etc., for presentation.  

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Hello again everyone!
thanks for all the replies, some really useful info :)

I’m still trying to solve this problem, the scenario is like this: i have one group of nodes that makes one kind of visuals and another doing a different kind, lets say i wanted an action button that closed one window showing the first kind of visuals and opened the other one. Is that possible?

i am sorry for mixing terminologies like stages and actors in, not much help when you guy’s focus is in Vuo, just still learning how everything works. Amazing piece of software :)

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halfdankajhi there are various ways you could solve your problem. if you just want to toggle between two images there is no need to use multiple windows unless your application requires multiple displays. using the select input node will let you switch between two things by using a toggle or boolean input. here is an example using the mouse press to toggle between two different noise images. the *select input * node can take layers if your using layers or what ever Vuo objects your drawing with and switch between the options giving a single output.

ToggleImages.vuo (3.43 KB)

i am sorry for mixing terminologies

No apology necessary for me about mixing terms, I am not concerned about any of that, just helps me to try to clarify your request. I probably come across the wrong way, wouldn’t be the first time.

I’m still trying to solve this problem, the scenario is like this: i have one group of nodes that makes one kind of visuals and another doing a different kind, lets say i wanted an action button that closed one window showing the first kind of visuals and opened the other one. Is that possible?

I think that’s a no? You can have multiple windows open, change their positions, and move stuff around from window to window.

And @dust, not meaning to sidestep your suggestions, all in good spirit from my POV.  

thanks @dust, this seemed to solve my problem :) I tried solving it with non-boolean select input-node, which of course doesn’t work with action buttons since it has to be layers. Do you have a trick for emulating the multiple input function the non-boolean select input-node has, with the boolean one? cheers

Do you mean toggle between the two images using a Select Input instead of Select Input (Boolean)?

If so, the way I’d do it is add a Share Value node, publish the Value port and set the Min & Max to 1 and 2 respectively. Then you can use a slider to toggle between the two states instead of mouse click, not sure if that’s what you’re after.  

ToggleImages_SelectInput.vuo (3.17 KB)

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BTW something that was unclear to me for a while as a new user is you can right click and select the data type for a lot of the nodes, so they can accept different types of data. In this instance you want to switch between two images but you may want to switch between colours, or 3D points for example.

Here’s one using the action button.  

cycle-layers-button.vuo (4.37 KB)

halfdankajhj looks like jersmi got you with the multiple selection by using the counter to increment the selection. Another way to cycle through multiple layers like jersmi did. Is to use the cycle through list node. it acts in a similar way and wraps around when you get to the end of the list. it also lets you go forward and backward etc. you could do this same approach as cycle through list but using a counter with a shared list for your layers and selecting which layer to view with a get item from list node as well. this would do the same thing as this cycle through list of layers example does.

its also important to note that a list in Vuo starts with 1 not 0. most computer science classes will teach to you to start your increment 0 but for what ever reason Vuo starts with 1. I think this is to be more practical and easier to understand for people who are not into computer science coding. its also the same with booleans as joélle mentioned in her post the boolean starts with 1 and 2 and not 0 and 1 like other platforms do.  

CycleThroughLayers.vuo (4.77 KB)

Just for clarification, Vuo has two types of select nodes, such as Select Output (2) and Select Output (Boolean). The documentation for the first says, “If Which is 1 (or less), it selects Option 1. If Which is 2 (or more), it selects Option 2.” The documentation for the second, “If Which is false, it selects False Option. If Which is true, it selects True Option.” The type converter Convert Boolean to Integer documentation: “Outputs 0 if the input is false or 1 if the input is true.”

thank you everyone for all this info! has really helped me with understanding the software, my problem is now If i want a action button in one layer and another one on the other layer, how would you go about doing that? i cant figure out a way to switch between the window output of a action button

the problem i run into is that the action button requires a connection to the updated window port, which means the action button always will be rendered, is there any trick to switch between two action buttons?

you can use any of the methods already mentioned here for action buttons, as select input is a generic type node meaning it will switch action buttons, layer, or images etc… here is another way I mentioned using a shared list and then getting the list item by index to display. this is kind of the same as cycling through list node but using a count within range node to cycle instead.

when you press the button it switches the layer and the button to the next one in the list. you will see the buttons are labeled one through three. hope this helps you on your journey.  

CycleThroughActionButton.vuo (6.43 KB)