Evaluate math expressions typed into integer and real input editors

It would be handy to be able to type math expressions into integer/real input editors. For example, if I have a Make Parametric Points node, it would be handy to be able to type -2*PI in the Min port, and 2*PI in the Max port.

The expression itself should be stored in the composition (rather than the result of the expression like Quartz Composer does), so you can later see what the expression is, and modify it.

Thanks @smokris

@alexmitchellmus good tip !

@smokris, couldn’t this be “faked” by having a single port version of calculate maths node? (So as a type converter) without variables? Hmm, but then it wouldn’t execute without a fire. However it would be great to have this as a generic feature all nodes can access!
Screen Shot 2016-03-07 at 6.23.15 pm.png

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If you’re just after a way to type in a constant, couldn’t you just type in the number? For example, for 2*PI, just input 6.2831853…

This feature request caught my eye, but I’m not sold on its necessity just yet. What’s the value of being able to type in PI instead of an (more or less) equivalent numerical value?

Being able to see where the number came from. Like if you see a port value of 0.785, where did that come from? Clearer to put PI/4.

Fair enough. I stand corrected.