Smooth list from Calculate Amplitude for Frequencies: possible?

I’m trying the smooth the list out of Calculate Amplitude for Frequencies with Smooth with Inertia within a Process List. Even though the input of the Process List is at the usual 93.75 events per second, the output is below one event per second. What am I missing?

smooth fft.vuo (2.39 KB)

What is it you want to achieve with it? I’m not sure Vuo will handle this kind of thing very well. If you reduce the number of bins the performance will go up, suggesting that Vuo tries to make a substantial amount of calculations based on the input. I also think it smooths all values, not separated by frequency anymore, as the last value into the Smooth node will come from the previous frequency band. There might be another way though, but that depends on what you want it to output.

Check out Iteration: Turn most nodes into iterators by allowing single-value ports to accept lists there are some questions and answers by @jstrecker regarding this.

Am also really looking forward to this possibility to smooth the audio

Using Parabox Average List, I was able to obtain a smoothing behaviour. The only caveat is that there seems to be a calculation error within Average List that must be corrected by a Scale List.

  • 10 samples → 0.01
  • 25 samples → 0.0016
  • 50 samples → 0.0004
  • 100 samples → 0.0001


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Karl Henkel has repaired Rolling Average List, so no more need for the Scale List. Thanks @khenkel!  


There’s now a built-in Keep Average List node, based on @khenkel’s Rolling Average List, as of Vuo 2.4.0.