Vuo redesign - Vuo Logo

As mentionned on Facebook, opening a topic here to join the discussion related to future design elements.

@Jstrecker you mentioned some things you started brainstorming on, are there any parts you could share yet or are they still in closed discussion ?
Like for example what you started to brainstorm on ? What you plan to redesign in a specific future ?
I mean, just so that we talk about the same things.

I’m joining the Facebook image I made with my custom Vuo editor Icons. People liked the “A” version more.
Then Alastair mentioned the “flow” and @Jstrecker said that’s something she wants to be obvious in the icon too.

Would something like my icon, but with some flow concept (that must be added) go in the direction you wan’t to go ? or is it too flat ?

Why not even create a contest or a page, somehow similar to Feature Requests but for design, where people can vote.

The votes would not use the credits, but more with some unique free voice to choose between entries, so if you choose for entry A, you cannot choose B too, A or B. But you can change your vote, you vote entry A, but now change it for a new entry C.

Some possible thoughts :

  • The actual design / parts that need a redesign are set as possible categories for entries (icons, nodes, etc).
  • The team fixes some rules like "icon must be blue, represent the “flow” etc.
  • The Vuo team can make entries too, like the things you’ve recently been brainstorming on as mentioned on Facebook !

Either there would be different categories, like Icons, Nodes, Website Stuff, Editor etc. Or, the user should create a setoff unified design parts.

There would not really be some time / schedule like for the Feature Requests (to be implemented in the next version) or some date limit for entries.
But however, users would neither submit stuff that would never be used.
So it should be balanced between the two.
Like the team would open some entries “we plan to make some changes concerning x, y or z in some feature, here is the actual design, here is our entry, our ideas, what are yours, what could be enhanced” etc.
Either close entries that are not planned to be redesigned shortly, or perhaps use some dots to set the priorities.

I wrote somehow similar to the Feature Request page, but it could perhaps rather be a mix between the Feature Request page and the Composition Gallery page ?.?

Don’t know, just brainstorming alone ;)

Thanks for kicking off the discussion, @Bodysoulspirit :) Your timing is perfect, as the team had just started brainstorming logo concepts.

How about if we start out just with a conversation (no contest yet) and see how that goes?

Some criteria that we’re considering for a redesigned logo:

  • Represents Vuo in some way.
  • Is unique.
  • Looks up-to-date.
  • Says “Vuo” instead of “VUO”.

This would most likely mean a flat design, echoing the visual language redesign. We’d kinda like if people knew that the name of the product is “Vuo” rather than “VUO” (though the different-size letters may be in tension with visual symmetry). The logo could represent flow, or it could represent something else about Vuo.

The icon would most likely be an abbreviation of the logo.

I’ll post some sketches shortly…

OK, please don’t laugh too hard :) These are some of our (Team Vuo’s) sketches for the logo concept. They are meant to be brainstorming in preparation for talking with a designer. We are not designers. Since it’s brainstorming, we haven’t tried to eliminate any yet, we’re just trying to get a bunch of ideas and maybe they lead to better ideas.











Sketches by others are welcome, as well as any critiques or guidance that would help reach a good logo design.


Haha cool ;) Yeah, I’ve often read all designers, even the best start with some paper + pen sketch ! ;)

Ok thanks for the points , great to see what you’ve done so far !
Will try some Logo + Icon too.

Just some questions ;

  • You say the sketches are meant to be discussed with a designer, you mean you plan to work with a designer for the logo ?
  • Just curious about why Vuo instead of VUO ?

Happy to kick the discussion on the right timing ! Really think the participation / implication of the community users on the design, just as it’s already possible with the features, could be cool ! That’s really one of the things I like so much with your concept of a community software ! It’s definitely your strength !
Would for example be happy to see where you are heading regarding the node design, perhaps as some mockups or screenshots on the other discussion ;)

Hope to post soon ;)


You say the sketches are meant to be discussed with a designer, you mean you plan to work with a designer for the logo ?

Don’t know any details yet, but that’s the vague plan :)

Just curious about why Vuo instead of VUO ?

It would be nice to convey that the product name is “Vuo”, not “VUO”. Or do you mean why isn’t the product name all caps? I guess because all-caps suggests an acronym or shouting.

Hey ;)

Been making some mockups.
Some of them include some flow concept, most have not and pretend to be simple.

I agree there could be some concept of flow in term of connection, nodes and cables, not so sure however about some water or jellyfishes in them.
Because even if that would be funny and nice, it’s kind of a distant metaphor. I mean, it’s not some app to play with water, I would not want people to think the logo is for some water distribution service, or some waterpark, or some pool store ;)

It’s one Vector file with different settings so if you would like to see a mix of 2 elements from 2 mockups, just shout and I’ll upload it.

20160721 - Logo - A1.png
20160721 - Logo - A2.png
20160721 - Logo - A3 - Code:Play.png
20160721 - Logo - A4.png
20160721 - Logo - A5.png
20160721 - Logo - A6.png
20160721 - Logo - A7.png
20160721 - Logo - A8.png  

20160721 - Icon - A1.png

You know what… I like A1! Nice and simple.

Maybe the left of the V could be a normal V not a square end? But keep the rest the same. Maybe that could be in the logo as well?

You know what… I like A1! Nice and simple.
Maybe the left of the V could be a normal V not a square end? But keep the rest the same. Maybe that could be in the logo as well?

Thanks for your input Alex !
Here it is with a cut top, normal V. I personally prefer it square for this logo, it has a touch of personality IMO, but that’s just my taste ;)

20160722 - Alex.png  

Made some more …

20160722 - A10.png
20160722 - A11.png
20160722 - A11behind.png
20160722 - A12.png
20160722 - A13.png
20160722 - A14.png
20160722 - A15.png
20160722 - A15stop.png

Together for example :

And for fun, bet you didn’t know Vuo already was used by the Romans in 74 after JC ;)

PS : does anybody knows a way to center the images on the div instead of left aligned ? Tried some custom stuff like “style align middle” and all those stuff but without results. Perhaps not possible.  

hey! little something…  

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Yeah cool ;)

Fresh stuff ;)
Especially LOVE the right corner of your file icon !

One comment I could perhaps make about the logotype is that it has in common with some of my mockups that for someone who does not know Vuo, it’s not really clear what the name is.
I can imagine at some workshop or at some projection, imagine a guy with a t-shirt or a sticker on the PC, it should be quite obvious what the name is. He would go back home and type the right name in Google (see the VDMX logo for example). And not sure it is, just as some of my mockups. Some are clearer then others.
So we must find the balance between beauty and clarity.

Thanks for the project ! Mind if I try to edit it ? You may want to inspire and edit mines too !

PS ; not sure what is better, create a separate topic for icons ? or mix them with the logos ? Could be easier if 2 topics no ? I can open one.  

oh, shure, edit it, I made it more for inspiration and development…The concern about clarity (or readability) is quite right, but you will always struggle with such, for example would you know just by icon the app purpose? It seems important to try imagine the identity in work, you will propably always present it with some context, some text on website, speech, video, some link or name of the profile…But I respect this stand, for me (and maybe it is just because I’m already somehow deformed), it is not such a problem, I simply try to read it anyway :)) Since it would be nice to send the world message of solid app, under intesive development, I would only suggest to take care of little details (and even my input could use some extra work), and of course, keep it consistent, so it would be handy to see the icons etc. with all variants of logo, maybe font, colors, at one place, so we won’t miss the connection and overall mood (still only suggestion), other which occured to me after I posted it…maybe it won’t be a bad idea, to make slightly different (darker?) variant for PRO version (propably change in main variant of logotype, maybe app icon?), so the guys could feel “more of it” :))

and also…bad news…I have ditched the original illustrator file, but all vectors are in smart objects, in the psd here… (3.77 MB)


Cool ;)

Ok let’s keep icons + logos together in the same topic for now ;)
Sure we need to take care of the details !

Don’t know about the pro / regular versions. Why not, up to the team.Lets already try to make 1 nice version (which is already quite much work IMO ;))

Thanks for the vector file ! I had already tried to remake it in Sketch.
Here is a deviated version of yours.

Yeah, cool, we must inspire each other to tend to a perfect icon / logo. Hope the team will like some concepts !


Really trying to go in all directions, not fixing on any style, keep the mind free ;)
More recent upload don’t mean better, just uploading very different stuff.

The font is a free for commercial / personal use font.

Yeah let’s add some branding coffee cups for the workshops ;)

I really like the thin typo, with modern touch, however, I could think that something bolder would stand out more, as a more robust thing. My opinion. Or the typo could be enlarged a bit perhaps. Ideas …  

Thanks, @Bodysoulspirit and @DDAANNYYBBOOYY, for the variety of sketches!

not sure what is better, create a separate topic for icons ? or mix them with the logos ?

The topics are so intertwined, I think, that it’d be good to keep them as a single discussion for now.

So we must find the balance between beauty and clarity.


I agree there could be some concept of flow in term of connection, nodes and cables, not so sure however about some water or jellyfishes in them. Because even if that would be funny and nice, it’s kind of a distant metaphor.

What, you don’t think Vuo needs a cute animal mascot? ;) Seriously, though, it might help to talk about some of the thought process behind that logo — not to justify it, but perhaps talking about the conceptualization might spark some new ideas for imagery.


Besides the general aquatic theme (water/flow)… The jellyfish has the flowing shape and movements, and an ethereal beauty like some compositions made with Vuo. The octopus is an intelligent animal, and its multiple tentacles hint at the idea of Vuo pulling together various technologies into one composition.

I’ll comment on a few of the others…


These are also about Vuo being a hub connecting various technologies. And maybe an optimistic sunrise?


Flow, like through pipes.


Building upward (the letters stacked vertically). Also a different play on the idea of flow: water rippling outward.

Some questions for you guys…

20160722 - A15.png
— This one’s evoking flow, right? Like pipes?

20160722 - A15stop.png

@Bodysoulspirit, you’re liking the dots :) Can you talk about those? Anything else you want to add about your thought process?

@DDAANNYYBBOOYY, anything you want to say about the thought process behind the pixellated look?  

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What, you don’t think Vuo needs a cute animal mascot? ;)

;) Hehe. Don’t know. I looove animals, I love them so much that I’m a vegetarian ;)

However, for the logo, not sure.
I’m not a pro designer neither at all, just a hobbyist. And when I look at some logos, from more or less related softwares, I don’t see a mascotte or animal in the logo.
Neither do I personally know of logos with animals for softwares, beside aquarium screensavers. False, I know Mediamonkey as a media player but not so sure people still use that one ;)

So I originally would not have added some, but actually it does sound like a possibility.
Let’s say this, if the Team wants a Mascotte, because they like it, sounds good.
If it is to metaphor how Vuo works, not so sure how much it will help people to know how it works.

I will perhaps try to make a logo with a jelly or an octopus. Or if the team likes one of my logo and just want to add a mascotte beside it, sounds fine too.

These are also about Vuo being a hub connecting various technologies. And maybe an optimistic sunrise?

Not sure about the sunrise, what it has in common with Vuo, but I like the Hub. The connection, the dots, the cables. I just haven’t been able yet to make a good looking one where the cables are more expressive than in the one you mention with “flow pipes” in

Flow, like through pipes.

Yes, that’s what I tried with

However, the problem I’m having with my own logo on this one is that the general feeling is more of the mouvement of a snake, rather then water IMO. Don’t you think ?

Building upward (the letters stacked vertically). Also a different play on the idea of flow: water rippling outward.

;) Haha ok. I had not even seen those where letters stacked up vertically ;) Not so very clear IMO.

@Bodysoulspirit, you’re liking the dots :) Can you talk about those? Anything else you want to add about your thought process ?

They originally where meant to represent some data flowing through the pipes. Although I admit that could be obvious in

, but not in


they just have an optic goal ;)

A question, when could you imagine changing the logo ? Vuo 1.3 already or later ?

PS : @jstrecker sorry to ask but would it be possible to refer to the logos with links (sat some unique names for them all) instead of images / cropped reuploaded images ? Once the new logo will be chosen I may want to remove the unchosen images / projects and use the ideas for some clients / other projects ;) Thanks  

damned! you’ve been busy :)) well, the pixelated look is just one part of an idea, it should work in contrast with smooth, geometric shapes, but most importantly, whatever we create in Vuo, is after all a set of pixels in the end, and sometimes they simply connect and create more complex form, yet it is still an optical illusion…the app itself leads its user to solve logical problems, to build from “blocks” (here we have pixels), to somehow see the result (whatever shader like, or image generative thing it is) magnified, to see “inside” it…personally I believe it is no shame to borrow parts of well known brands…it doesn’t mean to steal…but I kinda have the eizo feeling about my design, but maybe it is too retro “first xerox” like technic…I can appreciate the “aquatic” and flow like feeling(at least I believe people would consider it calming and purifying) of Christians ideas and also it somehow reminds me a Vaio brand, its idea is based on moving from analogue to digital…so it can bring some seriousnes…but the black variant works propably more for me, because it is quite edgy, and clear character or feeling of the brand seems to me more important, than mentioned readibility, for example…I like the last pencil drawing too, mainly the idea of creating some unique pictogram, or icon…and just let the users to get to know it, accept it…I guess it is quite important to decide, if the logo, or icon should refer more about what software does from the outside point of view (for example effects, shading), or more about the nature of working with the app itself (flow like concepts, connecting)…

…also…it may be handy to try to think about the design for eventual animation purpose, it can look pretty good for various presentations or web (the animation of the logo itself…and modular, or dynamic, havily animated logos are on rise…